life essentials and the little things

[31 Jan 2006 | Tuesday]

food. water. shelter. yes, the essentials of life. but what are YOUR essentials? what can you not live without? at first thought you probably ramble off a slew of things that really, when faced with going "without" you actually WOULD survive. so think long, and think hard. what are your essentials? i have 4.


really. those are my 4 essentials. without any of them, my world would fall apart. love, both giving and receiving, is my reason for being. it is the heart of me. the reason i wake up. music is my soul. it carries me from the time i wake up until i sleep again. it rules my energy. it impacts my performance, my emotions and my attitude. not a minute goes by when there is not music - even if its just me, singing inside my head. i am dancing... always. coffee. my fuel. a 20oz dark roast add triple shot espresso with cream is beautiful in the morning. maybe a licorice latte in the afternoon. just make sure its fresh and its strong and its hot. and mascara. yes. mascara. because nothing says "im awake, im alive and im listening" better than a fresh coat of dark brown. trust me. its the fix.

so now you have your essentials. what is next? all the little things. YES the little things. the treats that make your days special. the things that you look forward to. the things you appreciate. the things you are thankful for. the things that make you comfortable. the things that make you smile. and although i know i could not possibly list all of my little things... i think the following is a good start....

3x5" post it notes (yellow)
the smell of rain on pavement
wine gums
fresh magazines with thick matte paper
perfect nectarines
the word 'luscious'
the lake
people who say thank you - and mean it
a poem that doesnt rhyme
healthy hair
sleeping in
long drives (to nowhere)
black sharpie fine point permanent markers
the sound of tattoo guns
friday nights
a perfectly worn in pair of jeans
going out for breakfast - in the afternoon
capturing the moment with a single frame
the color brown
listening to my daughter read
the ambiguously gay duo
finding new music that is so good i listen to it in my winamp, my mp3 player AND in my car
christmas tree ornaments
great comebacks
cold beer
call display
killer shoes
winning the game
my mom's pancakes
a really good bottle of cabernet/shiraz
insanely long hot showers
silent conversations
crossword puzzles

so make your list. keep your list. change it. add to it. make sure you have ample supply of essentials. and then always remember the little things.

1 comment:

Grinch said...

hmm do you listen to me in the car or am I not that good? :P