buy this (it will change your life)

[23 Jan 2006 | Monday]

have you ever wanted to purchase something and been completely overwhelmed by the choices? so many products of virtual duplicity, yet each calling to you in their unique way. one housed in thick clear plastic with colorful labels strategically adhered so as to just hide what is inside. one inside a cardboard box with a relatively descriptive label and endless consumer warnings. one in its tattered packaging, a glaring discount sticker slapped across its face... which do you choose? are they all the same inside?

you peruse the book section. rows of bestsellers with thier strategic cover art. stunning photographs and intricate illustrations. splashed quotes from critics promising you wont be able to tear yourself away. you read the synopsis. a nice overview of the story which will unfold as you turn every crisp white page. each contain a different story... which do you chose? they say you cant judge a book by its cover... do you?

you stop to pick up food. overwhelmed with promises of low fat, no fat, 0 carbs, sugar free... guaranteed fresh. finest quality ingredients. organic. no additives. fully processed. homogonized. made with real fruit juice. vegetarian. vegan. 100% grain fed beef. free range. free prize. buy one get one free. you study the prices. all different. but inside they are all the same. arent they?

..and then, even when you have everything you need. everything you came for... do you grab a magazine on impulse as you wait in line because it tells you it will make your life easier in 12 steps? renovate a house for less than one month's mortgage payment? pimp your ride? will show you how to dress? will tell you what to wear when that special someone finally wants to take you out (thanks to your the new makeover tricks on pg 22). do you casually turn the glossy pages filled with photographs of the beautiful people. can these pages of paid advertising really change your life forever?

marketing. packaging. promises. the lure. the beauty. the appeal to the eye.

you pick the most beautiful package; the product is inferior. you buy the book that everyone is talking about; you read, and reread, and read again, the first 6 pages. you fall asleep. there is no story. you choose the 'healthiest' groceries and take them home to find them tasteless. bland. you were fooled. betrayed by the candy which sweetened your eye. maybe the magazine you bought can fix this? maybe.

what if everything looked the same and the only way to choose your products was by what was on the inside? would you then be able to make your choices based on the quality of craftsmanship? the actual words? the real story? the true ingredients? could you truly accept the possibility that inside that generic package, that blank book jacket, that silver foil wrapper you may just find exactly what you were looking for?

you think about that while i flip through this magazine ;-)

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