| age. why is it such an obsession? how come the young cant wait to be old? so they can get jobs and make money to purchase anti aging creams for obscene amounts of money and undergo surgeries that promise them that youthful look? why do we label it young and old? and who decides the line? how old are you? do you know? how old am i? i have no idea. i dont think im old... ive had 32 birthdays (and another one coming up - which is excellent, cuz to me birthdays mean parties and everyone knows i love parties!). i know i have had more birthdays than most of my friends. and that brings up more questions. why do i, a woman of 32 birthdays.. a wife.. a mom.. a woman who spends her workdays with business owners, politicians and investors, feel compelled to spend my free time with those who havent had as many candles on their cake? what could we possibly have in common?
here's the deal. at the end of the day, i want to come home and put away all those people who walk around and say "oooh i feel so old". i dont want to think about my retirement plan. i dont want to go to your silly tupperware party. i dont want to look for a coupon that will save me 30 cents on a can of tomatoes and i certainly dont want to talk to you on the phone about what recipe i will use to make cookies for the weekend bakesale. NO. i want to come home and turn my music on LOUD. i want to kiss my daughter and ask her about her day before she asks me to turn it up louder. so she can dance. so WE can dance. i want to take some pictures. i want to talk to my (young) friends about whats going on this weekend. i want to have a couple beers or some gin or some wine or maybe smoke a joint. i want to check out some sites, find some good new music, chat with someone ive never talked to before. i want to learn about the world around me... and i dont mean what kind of laundry detergent you use or whether you wash in hot or cold.. i mean i want to know whats going on with the people who will own the world sooner that you would like to believe. yes, thats right. the "young". i want to twirl my pigtails around my fingers and color my hair pink, or black, or both. i want to eat cereal for dinner and pizza for breakfast... IF i choose to eat breakfast. and on the weekend, dont call early, cuz ive probably been up all night.
dont get me wrong. i have alot of friends that have had more birthdays than i have. and they wonder the same thing you do. why do i prefer to spend time with people who were born of a whole other decade? why? because while you are busy being old and worrying about "kids these days" i am enjoying life while i've got it. if i am going to be forced to play the old vs. young game i may as well be playing for the winning team. |
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