| from here to heaven, and everything in between. words will not even begin to describe the past 5 days... but of course, i will certainly try.
flying on a completely clear day over rocky edged mountains, hidden alpine lakes skirted by endless evergreens reflecting radiant beams of sunlight, rivers and roads winding through the deep valleys below until reaching the beautiful oceanside city of vancouver would have been proof enough that i live in the most beautiful place on earth. but that was just a preface to the awe-inspiring beauty i was about to witness and the scenic view was only one dimension of the whole.
one of the support organizations for the provincial level of the not-for-profit i work for holds their annual general meeting and professional development conference on the last weekend of september each year. the conference is always hosted in a different location, giving chance to explore new areas of our province. this year it was held in parksville, bc, along the eastern shore of vancouver island, at tigh-na-mara seaside spa resort, or, in easier terms... heaven.
the 13 minute flight from vancouver to nanaimo offered a view of a completely new world. the bluest blue of the ocean, broken only by countless islands bursting with lush forests, spanned as far as my eyes could see. at 4000 ft, we were low enough to really see the world beneath us. The islands gave texture and perspective illustrating the natural surface curve and as i took pictures from my window seat, i was reminded of every NASA photograph, every geography textbook graphic, every globe on every desk. i could truly see our earth in all its fantastic planetary glory. the flight that i had been unnecessarily nervous of suddenly became all too short.
i traveled with my boss, an amazing woman and one of my personal mentors, who would ultimately be elected president of the organization at this year's conference. i always look forward to the opportunities we have to work together outside of our usual work environment. i take great pride in standing next to such a dynamic and inspiring leader and am completely impressed by the way she affects those around her, always in a completely humble and unassuming manner. she is so full of laughter, creativity, style and energy, always exuding complete professionalism, yet in a fully approachable and welcoming way. above all, she is conscious of her team, never taking single credit and always speaking as "we". admirable in a boss; uncommon in a president.
we arrived after an hour's drive up island. we had traveled early as she had engagements that evening. i, on the other hand, could relax until the following morning. we found our room, a one bedroom, log architecture, ocean view suite nestled amongst the skyscraping cedars and twisting, naked arbutus trees, which grow only along the south coast within close proximity to the ocean. the private balcony overlooking the gorgeous georgia straight and the distant coast mountains convinced me i need not look any further for a way to spend my free time.
i dined alone that evening. something i enjoy immensely. something to read (my latest issue of WIRED magazine seemed oddly wrong in such a natural setting; yet i couldnt resist the urge), something to eat (a giant portabello mushroom stuffed with garlic and cream cheese, baked and drizzled with lemon butter reduction), and a fabulously delicious glass of red wine (an australian cab/shiraz blend, the vineyard escapes me). the tapas bar, with its cedar and stonework, was the perfect introduction to the days that would follow. a cozy, comfortable atmosphere, majestic scenery, exemplary customer service and fine food prepared from the finest ingredients.
nothing starts a day of seminars and panel sessions like watching the sunrise over the pacific ocean with a cup of steaming gourmet coffee. i wondered in amazement at how the ocean had disappeared while i slept. the distant tide seemed forever away as i watched the geese flock to the small pools painted orange and navy blue in the reflection of the dawn sky; oddly beautiful as they carried on in the fresh morning sea air. by the time i had showered and dressed the tide had rolled in; miles of beach now only a memory.
and so began the journey. 3 days of powerful workshops and keynote speakers, inspiring the new and rejuvenating the tired. placing faces on the names of our colleagues, we communicate with regularly through voice or text. empathy, sympathy, encouragement and celebration. this weekend is the fuel for all of us involved in the organizational fire. professional development. peer mentorship. discussions, debates and advice. over 100 experts combining experience; each offering a valuable contribution to the network. its training that no manual could ever provide. constant knowledge. continuing education.
oh. there is more.
the phenomenal staff at tigh-na-mara took it upon themselves to upgrade every conference detail. smooth marketing tactics? probably. but we graciously accepted and guarantee it worked (i know i will be back!). every meal was prepared and presented with ultimate flavor and flair. our usual soup and sandwich lunches suddenly became gastronomical feasts from the overabundant mediterranean buffet full of vibrantly colorful vegetables to the fresh pacific salmon with mixed greens and wild rice. breakfasts of pastries and muffins, fresh fruit, bacon, sausage, diced potatoes and the fluffiest scrambled eggs ever were enhanced with live chef stations, offering made-to-order omelets one day and hot off the press belgian waffles with a plethora of succulent fruits, fresh whip cream, nuts and real maple syrup to top them the next. our daily meals impressed, yet our evening meals were beyond typical. our evenings offered experience.
the opening reception took place at the grotto spa. i arrived with two other participants and was taken on a tour of the mineral bath and spa treatment facilities before being escorted to the elevator that took us upstairs to the treetop lounge. the chef introduced his staff who would be passing hot appetizers to compliment the tables piled high with an incredible variety of locally produced cheeses and breads, fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition to the flavor treasures that circulated around the room, a live station serving martini meals; steaming mashed potatoes topped with mixed sautéed mushrooms, beef, lamb or vegetables in savory juices with fresh bread garnish. These delectable dishes proved the second best item served in a martini glass that evening; guilty pleasure martinis, a perfect blend of premium vodka, chombard liqueur and fresh lime juice, taking first. Throughout the evening we were invited to enjoy complimentary mini-treatments throughout the spa. Hand, back and neck massages with aromatheraputic lotions and potions and the most unbelievable sugar scrub which left my arms and hands feeling like the richest silk and smelling incredibly edible.
as i watched the preparations for our friday night beach barbeque from my balcony, i was distracted by unusual patterns in the ocean below. watching the movement of the water, I wondered what could be hidden just beyond the calm surface. the water moved in constant circular motion creating a stirring effect and I watched curiously, yet quite contently, hoping for a glimpse beneath the ocean. as if to tease, spots of black would occasionally rise, then disappear faster than a falling star. finally, enough exposure reveled that i had been watching a seal. excited by my aquatic discovery, I made my way to the beach to enjoy a nice cream ale while burying my feet in the sand and to learn that my seal was only the opening act to the truly magical marine dance displayed by two killer whales jumping in the not so distant waters of the georgia straight.
on the final night of the conference, the founder of a long time sponsor and great supporter of our organization hosts the president..s reception, meal, awards ceremony and entertainment; a formal affair with such careful attention paid to every detail imaginable. Gathering for cocktails in the reception lounge, admiring the stunning beauty of each person who arrived, dressed in their best, glowing with anticipation for the evening ahead, we tried, as always, to predict the menu for the gala event. while each of us could only speculate the possibilities (seafood being the popular assumption) we all were certain of one thing, the meal would be beyond belief, in menu choice, presentation and flavor. when the grand doors were opened, we were presented with a stunning vision of rich cream linens and roses, accentuated by the shining table silver and sparkling stemware. warm candlelight illuminated the entire room as we found our places among our friends and embarked on an evening of fine wine and a remarkable 3 course meal of fresh fig and basil crusted goat cheese with endive and balsamic reduction, cannelloni with ricotta cheese, fresh spinach and smoked rich tomato herb reduction, roman chicken stuffed with prosciutto, peppers, roasted pine nuts, sun dried tomato, fresh thyme and oregano, tuscan herb lamb chop with white beans, rosemary garlic oil, grilled polenta and white asparagus. fresh melon sorbet cleansed the palate between the second and third course. the grand finale; a trio of chocolate. delectably rich and insanely sinful.
the evening progressed as always. dancing. laughter. hugs. laughter. dancing. a perfect ending to a perfect meal that wrapped up a perfect stay in heaven. i fell into bed at 03:30. my morning coffee would be my last with the changing of the tide.
the past couple of months have been unusually stressful and work has been a struggle. i am so very very thankful that my employer, the board of directors who governs the local agency for our organization, values professional development and employee satisfaction. it is obvious to me, through the high level of service excellence provided, that the managing staff at tigh-na-mara subscribe to the same philosophy. i learned an incredible amount over the past few days. i connected with new colleagues and reconnected with seasoned friends. i applauded my boss as she accepted her presidency. i enjoyed an abundance of food and drink. i am rejuvenated and recharged. i have grown. i am ready to conquer the struggle.
mermaids and butterflies
heaven. |
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