letters i have never sent

[10 Aug 2006 | Thursday]

letters i never sent
stare back at me
paper heavy on the floor
the weight of words
defy even the strongest winds
blowing against my body
waiting for me to give in.

i have said too much
too many times
spilled tears
and ink
across the pages
you would only drown in the sea
of blurry blue
and green.

you are so beautiful
my words form crests;
bubbly froth skims across the surface
and quickly
you taste the salt on your lips
you breathe.

they come and they go.
you splash;
you smile.
words only last a moment.

letters i never sent
a whirlpool of emotion.
stay close to shore;
you would only drown in the sea
of blurry blue
and green.

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