[10 May 2006 | Wednesday]
 | It's time to roll the windows down and Feel the cold air all around. We are heading out of town and Not a thing can stop us now. Get carried away.
luckie st. - cartel (chroma)
lets take a trip. windows down. music up. hair straight back. we'll stop wherever. whenever. pause. breathe. look around. absorb our surroundings. reflect on where we've been. enjoy the moment.
we travel through the unknown. we drink in all that is around us. small towns with their quirky buildings that tell 10000 stories. roadside attractions that conjure memories that were otherwise forgotten. oddities and normalcies. we share them. we take pictures. we laugh.
sometimes the roads are long. and straight. neverending. monotonous. we fill in the blanks with our songs. city lights on the horizon for miles. and miles. we can see it. but we will never get there. we sing.
we navigate through valleys. closed in by the world around us. feeling the squeeze. we are so small. we explore the unexpected. bumps and branches. holes. mud. we wont get stuck. we can travel anywhere. together.
we climb up. up. up. so many summits . we feel on top of the world. and we wish we could stay there always.
corners twist around tall rocky mountainsides. so close to the sun, yet still feeling the crisp glacier air. we can never know what will meet us at each turn. and the adventure of not knowing. thrills us.
and when one of us is tired. the other takes the wheel. we wont stop. we'll drive all night. until the moonlight fades into a blue that only lives for one spectacular moment... breathtaking. we are awestruck.
you press play. the soundtrack of a new day. you ask me where i want to go. i look at you. your sunglass reflection in the rearview mirror.
and off we go again. |
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