| there are angels among us. i know this to be true because i have one. my own personal angel. i havent seen my angel for a long while. they are in high demand and short supply and, after all, life's been good...
right. life's been good. thats when it comes up and slaps you in the face and says, hey bitch, your smile quota has expired and we are taking your laughter as collateral and add an ounce of stress every day until you can payback.
2006 (all 19 days of it) has been a real ride. i cant even say its been a rollercoaster because there havent been any ups. no.. its been more like screaming down the side of a mountain at full speed, with absolutely no sense of direction or groomed trails, on a crap bike with no helmet and brakes that may, or may not, work. some of you might be thinking, come on polly, it cant be THAT bad... well yes. yes, it can. and it is. or was. for the moment i am stopped.. hanging on for dear life, wiping the sweat from my forehead and catching my breath.. which is hard when u r in the mountains in the winter - thin air and cold weather make for sore lungs.so here i am. stopped. looking down to the bottom and wondering how i am going to get there when, from out of nowhere, my angel appears. i didnt call... i didnt have to.
angels just know when they are needed i suppose.so angel takes this bike and fixes the brakes and hands me a helmet. (angels will help you down the path but there is no free ride - if there is, check for wings) without saying a word we start walking down the path (it was NOT here.. i know it wasnt!). angel doesnt ask questions. angel doenst give advice. angel doesnt really do or say anything. angel is just there. being angel.
angel is gone now (as mentioned, high demand/short supply). im not at the bottom, but the path makes for a much smoother ride, i know my brakes work and i have a helmet in case i land on my head. i also know that angel is watching.
and even though its winter and the mountain air is thin and cold. i feel like i can breathe. |
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