a beautiful silence

[24 Mar 2006 | Friday]

so i havent blogged for 2 weeks (thanks for pointing that out w00t). it isnt that i have nothing to say - its that... i dont want to say them out loud.

have you ever had a thought. or a feeling. or some secret or story or dream. a wish or a fantasy. something that is yours. all yours. and have you noticed that, once you say it out loud... when it escapes the safety of your mind, crawls through your body and sneaks through your lips...or dances from your fingertips... it changes. almost instantly. like the air takes it for its own and you completely lose control of what was once so beautiful?

this is a beautiful silence.

so to all of you who worry when the words dont come. who ask whats wrong polly, why are you so quiet?...

i am screaming, yelling, shouting, SINGING, laughing, crying, thinking.

enjoying a beautiful silence.

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