| im sorry but valentines day? a day of love? puh...leeeeze. its a cash grab that i refuse to buy into. did you get flowers today? if so, they will cost half as much as if you received them tomorrow - does that mean you are loved half as much? how about that special dinner? yes, restaurants certainly bank on this special day... featured menus. guess what? they will serve you the same thing on saturday. oooh and how about the lingerie? did you wake up this morning and think, "i feel extra sexy and think i should put on this piece of lace that i otherwise wouldnt look twice at.. right after i eat this 2 lb box of valentine chocolate that will go straight to my thighs!" did you buy a card? or recieve one? psssst... guess what? those are somebody elses words! did you get engaged along with 10% of all the couples who will get engaged this year? how beautifully cliché! if so, you got a sparkly new ring… I doubt I have to tell you how much money is spent on jewelry because "a diamond is forever…" (but means more if given on february 14th). and the sex. of course there was sex... animal lust or making mad mad love, you did it, didn't you? after all, you exchanged all the gifts like premeditated foreplay, it was bought and paid for!... you couldnt just *gasp*... not?
and while you were busy contributing to this commercialized romance frenzy, what about those who spent it alone? is there a day on the calendar to celebrate independence? (and no, my american smartass friends… i'm not talking about the 4th of july). Of course there isn't, because there would be nobody to buy gifts for. and solo diners waste prime eatery real estate – a table of two means so much more to their bottom line.
and before you think i am bitter because i wasn't the recipient of some spectacularly romantic gift…or wasn't showered with special valentine love... i will tell you what i buy into.
i buy into flowers on a thursday afternoon in the middle of october. i buy into coming home on a friday to find a new shirt, with a handwritten note that says "i thought this would look stunning on you, maybe you will wear it when we go for dinner tonight". i buy into walking by a window and seeing a beautiful pendant and finding it in a package on my dresser on a monday morning. i buy into writing notes… they don't need to rhyme or use exquisite vocabulary. a simple, "can u please pick up some milk on the way home… have a wonderful day… I love you" works just fine for this girl. i buy into hugs. and kisses. LOTS of kisses. always. i buy into love, everyday, without some corporate monster dreaming up ways to pump the economy and ease the retail nightmare known as the dead months that follow christmas.
so enjoy your flowers. i hope they last until the weekend. i am gonna skip off to the bedroom in my comfy cotton little boy shorts and cash in on the making mad mad love part… not because its valentines day. just because.. i want to. |
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