[07 Jun 2006 | Wednesday]
 | they see you wrapped tightly; delicate threads of anger guilt sorrow fear. a carefully woven quilt keeps you safe from the outside world; the world that took everything.
darkness eats your heart and drinks your soul like dessert after dining on the dead. they tell you its ok life goes on. but you know you have seen. it does not. it ends. here. they tell you live your life but how do you live a life youve never known a life forever changed a life after death. they pull at your blanket. underneath you are naked; you grip tighter and pull your head inside.
i see you wrapped tightly and i shiver. carefully i lift the lid of the cedar chest the one that holds my folded blankets. i keep them for times when i am cold. like beautiful patchwork the memories form a tapestry of intricate memories; they surround me as i sit next to you in silence. your memories bring sadness and you cry. my memories bring laughter and i smile. we both have tears. we are both ok. your eyes adjust. the dark seems not so black. in the moment when the light comes you loosen your grip. i see your blanket slip from your fingers and gracefully fall at your feet as you stand on your own. but not alone you fold your blanket. you hold the fabric close to your body and breathe deep. carefully you place your blanket inside a cedar chest. carefully you close the lid. you exhale. when you are lonely you will want it when you shiver you will need it when you remember you will have it. tucked away for now but there. safe. warm. real. always. |
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