seasons change

we live in circular motion. seconds tick around the clock making minutes turn to hours into days throughout the month of every year through the decades in each century. the moon dances around planet earth as we spin every day; together orbiting the sun. and seasons change.

four seasons. each unique; bring something new. change. some good; some bad. spring fresh with babies and blossoms and puddles and mud slow roast baking as summer brings sunshine and beach sandy toes. long days with barbeques and beer and campfires while children forget to read and write and ride their bikes to the autumn heat with cool breeze evenings as green grows gold frost and vibrant red. trees shed leaving patchwork blankets on the ground waiting for winter white with brittle crystal-like ice patterns on windows. cold. fresh. death.


i know your seasons. and like all else revolving. so do you. a circular motion spinning through change. my moon, orbiting me as i spin faster than you do. and together we orbit in space. your seasons change. you are fresh and i breathe deep and splash in puddles that overflow with new. we laze through your summer days. music loud. good food. long drives. in autums i see change coming. sometimes you shine brighter than ever; bold colours making loud statements. "i am here. but i will be leaving. remember this moment. i am beautiful." and then comes winter. harsh. biting. cold snaps through me. i freeze. death.

i dont like winter. but i know it has to come. it is part of the circle of life. it brings closure. and with closure... starts anew. and i know spring will come again. such is the perfect circle; time. life. sun moon stars. seasons change.

i just need to weather the storm.


me. said...

i spin at the same speed ;)

Anonymous said...

who is this about?